Easily install live chat on website

You can easily install our live chat on website. Long gone are the days when adding even small interactive features on a static website used to be a humongous task. The problem with static websites is that it is difficult to incorporate programming. But with popularisation of PHP, practically every server, even if your website mostly contains HTML files, it has become extremely easy to add live chat to website. Unless you require advanced customisation, you don't even need programming skills in order to make use of live chat on website.


Why you should install live chat on website

There is a long list of benefits of installing web chat solutions on your website but the most overwhelming benefit is your ability to engage your visitors just when it matters the most.

Many website owners like to greet their visitors as soon as they enter the website, although as the number of visitors gradually increases, it won't be humanly possible to greet every single visitor. But still, once you have installed website live chat software, it is possible to initiate chat conversations on particular sections of your website. For this you can set up automatic triggers.

Why do you need to set up hotspots in the website chat software?

Suppose you have a page A on your website that either sends people away from your website, or leads them to the checkout page. Consequently page A becomes the most crucial page on your website.

Web analytics data also tells you that if a person lingers on page A for more than a couple of minutes he or she usually leaves your website, otherwise the person goes to the checkout section. So you can set up a hotspot to notify you that a person has spent more than a couple of minutes browsing over page A and this is a time when you can initiate a chat conversation to ask whether he or she is facing some problem or if he or she has developed some doubts.

Regularly interacting with people who are bound to leave your website after visiting page A will also let you know exactly why people behave that way on this particular page and what sort of changes you need to make in order to stop a majority of people leaving your website before buying from you. If you install live chat on website from Click4Assistance you get a complete web analytics toolbox to give you this critical information.

Add live chat to website and drastically improve your customer service

The benefits accruing from installing website live chat software have two sides – external and internal. We have already talked about external benefits (reaching out to your visitors). Internal benefits involve your staff, especially your support staff. It is the job of your support staff to keep your existing customers and clients happy and keep them coming back to you for more. They can achieve this only by providing exceptional support service and can do this through website chat software.

But one cannot learn simply by being "good". The improvement happens on the job. As people give you feedback you train your staff accordingly. When you add live chat to website from Click4Assistance after every chat session your customer are politely asked to leave feedback regarding what their experience was during the chat and how the various queries were handled. Based on the feedback that you gather over a period of time, you can train your staff so that your employees can handle customer queries more efficiently.

Every chat transcript is saved on secure server. This is not just good for referencing, if you regularly go through the chat transcripts, you can also know how various customer interactions are being handled by your support staff. You can see for yourself how long it takes for your support staff to resolve particular issues. Do people have to come to chat again and again or their problems are solved quickly? If it is taking time, why? There are many such questions that can be asked and required improvements can be implemented by using data provided by the web chat solutions.

Install live chat on website and reap the benefits immediately

You don't need to take a major infrastructural decision in order to install website chat software. Your server must already be able to run PHP files. Our trial version is free of cost and it comes with all the features that you will find in the premium version of the live chat that you will be eventually installing on your website.

Once the sign up is completed you will be asked to download the software and login. From within the software you will be able to access the JavaScript code snippet that you need to insert into the source code of your website. That's it. Although these may seem like multiple steps, it hardly takes 5 minutes to set up live chat on website. So do it now and start turning your visitors into customers and clients.

Live Chat On Website

Live Chat On Website

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See the software in action and discuss your requirements with our experienced industry experts to achieve success with live chat, chatbots and much more!

  • Make it easier for your visitors to speak to your team
  • Increase leads, increase revenue
  • Decrease resources, save money


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