Use artificial intelligence to step up your customer service game this Christmas
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09 December 2020



Use artificial intelligence to step up your customer service game this Christmas

It’s here, the time of year that children revel in, adults silently dread, and retailers brace for impact. Even though 2020 has been underlined with a pandemic, the Christmas cheer is still with us, or at least the fresh, crisp Christmassy chill is in the air, indicative of the time of year. This chestnuts-roasting-on-an-open-fire season also brings with it something a little new this year: a greater need for online shopping. With retailers predicting that this Christmas will see its biggest online shopping peak ever, your website’s online customer service needs to step up its game. Luckily, Click4Assistance, the best live chat for websites, can help.

Level up your customer service with AI

Artificial intelligence hasn’t exactly turned into a Skynet future, but rather a helpful and meaningful method of productivity, supporting our increasingly hectic lives. Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa have been blazing trails for voice activated AI personal assistants, so why shouldn’t your business and customer service team have some AI support too? Click4Assistance’s Artie and Coni can support your business’s website and customer service in ways you haven’t yet thought of.

A helpful friend while shopping

When potential customers visit your website, you might want to ensure that there is always someone to assist them, as you would with a physical store. No customer wants to walk into a brick and mortar shop and find themselves looking for something with no one around to help them find it. Some customers don’t even really know what they are looking for and need some guidance. On websites, businesses forget about this part of the process, since they are mostly self-serve, but this appeals to those who know what they are looking for, have done research and don’t need to ask questions.

With customers looking online to shop to avoid the pandemic, customers who are not of this technical shopping niche are stepping into the virtual shopping world. This is where Artie and Coni can help. They work 24/7 and can speak with an unlimited number of visitors, making them the most effective members of your customer service team. Coni can help a customer find a product they are looking for through a simple, pre-determined multiple choice interface. Artie can answer basic questions, help with navigation, and even up-sell and cross-sell. Combining their different strengths, they both create a virtual always-online customer service experience, that’s always polite, is never off sick and doesn’t need overtime pay.

Artificial Intelligence chat for websites.

Save time, save money

The fantastic benefit of using artificial intelligence for your customer service team is the time saving, and for any business, time saving is money saving. Artificial intelligence gives your customer service team a productivity boost, as they will no longer have to answer the basic questions, permitting them to focus on the more complex customer queries that require human intervention. Additionally, this practice will also give them a time buffer, so that your website visitors no longer have to wait in a virtual chat for websites queue, and your customer service team will be able to spend the time required to handle each customer query with the necessary attention. Artie and Coni will be doing the heavy lifting on the front line of your customer service, while your customer service team can remain as lean as possible.

The best live chat for websites

For 15 years, Click4Assistance has been leading the industry with its robust live chat for websites, video chat, Click2Call, social media direct messages and more. If you’re interested in deploying Click4Assistance, the UK’s premier GDPR compliant live chat software solution, to increase your business’ productivity for 2020, give us a call on 08451235871 or send an email to and one of our experts will be with you right away. Not ready to reach out yet? Discover how it workstry a demo, or better yet, try Click4Assistance completely free for 21 days.


UK providers of live chat software and online communication tools to a range of industries, we offer a cutting edge, resilient and proven live chat solution backed-up with first class support and advice.


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TILT Creative is a UK based creative ad agency specialising in content creation and managed solutions for social media, blogs and websites. Find out more at


UK providers of live chat software and online communication tools to a range of industries, we offer a cutting edge, resilient and proven live chat solution backed-up with first class support and advice.


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TILT Creative is a UK based creative ad agency specialising in content creation and managed solutions for social media, blogs and websites. Find out more at


Cost-effective live chat software, proven to increase lead generation and customer satisfaction. Easy to implement and customise, the solution supports your business out of hours with the ‘leave a message’ feature.


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Increase productivity, reduce resource costs and improve customer satisfaction by answering multiple enquiries simultaneously with live chat software. Mitigate budget restraints, support digital transformation and help customers during online processes.

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  • Make it easier for your visitors to speak to your team
  • Increase leads, increase revenue
  • Decrease resources, save money


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